10 Basic HTML Tags and its Functions

p Stands for paragraph. This tag signals the beginning of the paragraph.
html This tag tells the Web Browser that it is the beginning of an HTML document.
head This tag defines that part of the document containing information in the page.
title It appears at the top of your browser window.
body It comes immediately after the head. It contains the input in your web page.
hr Stands for horizontal rule. It instructs the browser o insert a paragraph break into a content with a line seperating paragraphs.
i It italicize the text between the tags.
b It bolds the text between the tags.
blockquote It is used to ditinguish material from an external work. the text is shown as a paragraph with wider right and left margins.
a href Stands fo Hypertext Reference. The a stands for anchor. This is a tag that creates a hyperlink to another Web Page.
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